Welcome Baseball, Welcome Spring

Welcome Baseball,
Welcome Spring,
Welcome back old memories
That the new season brings.
Of white cotton dress shirts
On a warm Summer’s day
And rooting on our victors;
For with passion they played.

From transistor radios
Amidst the grandstands roar
Came the voices of Barber, Prince and Scully;
Recounting the score.
It’s the bottom of the ninth
And through the late afternoon haze,
We catch one passing peek of our heroes,
Clemente, Aaron and Mays.

With one mighty swing
Our fortunes now fly,
As the white ball ascends
Across that late afternoon sky.
We’re rounding the corner,
We’re headed for home,
One side cheering victory with many;
Another tasting defeat all alone.

So, Welcome Baseball,
Welcome Spring,
Welcome back old memories
That the new season brings.
And recall a time,
When every boy’s game,
Was played on sandlots and school yards,
For that Eternal Summer, shall never wane.

By Dino Guarino

Western Pennsylvania Quarterbacks Club

“Western Pennsylvania Quarterbacks Club” Friday Night Lights Football

Growing up in the 1970’s, in the midst of autumn’s calendar; a brisk October chill put just enough charge in the air to inspire both the revelry and the rivalry of Friday Night High School Football.

With pageantry, passion and bragging rights on the line; workers waited in week long anticipation while bar stool wagers were being made, pitting one home town team against another. But nothing compared to actually “buckling one’s chin strap” and playing the game. And some played the game better than most.

Blessed by God and nurtured by family; they came from towns small and large, instilled with Western Pennsylvanian pride and heritage. Rising from the glow of red hot smelting furnaces and foundries throughout the valley came such names as; Blanda, Unitas, Namath, Montana, Kelly and Marino. Never before in the history of sports has one region been so blessed with such “Gridiron Greats.”

I hope you are all pleased with my interpretation of this great Western Pennsylvanian Pastime.

Rocky Marciano “The Rock”


I am dedicating this, my latest piece of artwork entitled “The Rock”, to the memory of two great men, Rocky Marciano and my father Lou Guarino who recently passed away. One was a great fighter and friend to my father and the other a great father and friend to all whom he met. Both were heroes to many, both unmistakably Italian!

This was the last piece of my art that my father got to see and hold before he died. He remarked on the intensity of the colors as he gazed on it fondly with warm remembrance of his good friend, Rocky Marciano.